Welcome to Confident Kids Reading Academy!  
We're so glad you're here!  This website is a work in progress and some of our offerings are available, but don't yet have links.  If you see something that you're interested in but are having trouble getting information, please let us know.  

Reader Assessment Package

FREE Reading Consultation 
FREE Private Facebook 
Support Group
Our Signature Course for Beginning Readers
From Graphic Novels 
to Chapter Books 

CKRA Membership
Comprehension Deep Dives
Book Shares and Book Clubs
Our Favorite Supplies
Building Autonomy in Teens With Special Needs
Support For Your Child’s 1:1 Teaching Assistant

1:1 Reading Support For Kids

Shari Jensen

30 Years of Relevant Experience

*Trained 100+ people to teach kids to read as the Instructional Coordinator for Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Reading Clinic 

​*Teacher, Learning Specialist and Reading Interventionist since 1990, ages 4-50 (Colorado and Tennessee)

​*Reading Consultant: Partnering with parents by assessing child's reading level, creating lesson plans tailored to their child, modeling lessons, and observing parent teaching to provide positive feedback
Experience With Learning Differences


*Sensory Processing Disorder

​*Autism Spectrum Disorder

​*Cerebral Palsy

​*Downs Syndrome

​*Seizure Disorders

Rosemary Gin

20+ Years Relevant Experience

*Orton-Gillinham Certified Dyslexia 

*Reading Interventionist 

​*Homeschooled her 3 children, so she
 understands the challenges with being a homeschool mom

​*Teaching reading has always been her passion

​*Master’s degree in Elementary Education

​*Taught kindergarten – grade 2

​*Taught adult literacy in another language

Mallorie's Homeschooling Experience: Before Us and After Getting Support

Let us know how we can help you!

Email: Support@ConfidentKidsAcademy.com
Rosemary Gin (Canada) 778-319-4201
Shari Jensen (US) 303-898-2573

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